Without a doubt, you are lovable. No matter what mistakes you have made and the criticisms you have faced from others, you are worthy of love.


Recently a client asked me, "Is it possible to turn around years of criticism from parents and myself and actually love myself?"

This question made my heartache. Knowing that so many people weren't appreciated and acknowledged by their parents.

To live in an environment of shaming and criticism is heartbreaking.


I believe we can find true love for ourselves. We can FULLY learn to love these places inside that we want to hide. We can shed loving light on our shame and melt it.

This takes a gentle turning to look at how we block love and stop its flow.


As Robert Holden says in his book Lovability, "I like to think of the word love as a door. If you only look at the door, all you get is an idea about what love is; but if you are willing to move closer to the door, open it, and to walk on through, you get to have an experience of what love is."


What can we do to love ourselves more?


1. Realize that your childhood is only 1 chapter in your life. No matter what happened in your childhood, you deserve to have love.

2. Stop comparing yourself to others.

3. Use affirmations to brainwash your mind and spirit with loving ideas.

4. Surround yourself with loving & uplifting people.

5. Let Divine and Spiritual Love heal you.


My inner self-love life was blocked by shaming my body, damaging food behaviors, and talking meanly to myself. Reiki helped me access love in ways I didn't know how.

Reiki is the energy of unconditional love. For all the parts of myself that I despised and felt ashamed of, Reiki helped me heal and care for. My favorite thing about Reiki is that it opens up your capacity to receive and give love. And it does it so gently and subtly.


If you are interested in learning more about bringing more love into your life, join my upcoming Virtual Reiki Class.

Reiki will help you find your voice, be authentic, heal your body, relax your mind, and release stress.

If you want to learn to use your hands for healing, please come.


Since the pandemic and moving to Hawaii, I have been teaching online. These classes are powerful and effective. Of course, having a Reiki Master in person is a great decision. However, finding a Reiki Master with whom you connect is most important. I'd love to have you if you feel drawn to my teachings.

CONTACT me to learn more


just sitting here enjoying my ice cream and thinking of you…


"Hurry up and heal so I can get back to my full-throttle life."