My Publisher sent me a copy of my book.

My Publisher sent me a copy of my book. Holy moly!

Can I be honest? I was disappointed.

I felt it wasn't big enough or long enough. My first thought was, "It's not that big. Kind of small." The dimensions of the book are wider than a normal book, which makes it have fewer pages and appear thin.

I called my sister and she said, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

You just wrote a book and you are worried about its size." LOL!

Then I realized, I think I need to read my own book. I was wanting my book to be just the right size. And that's what my book teaches: we don’t have to be the right size to be powerful, beautiful, and rock the world.

Body acceptance is a major theme in "BE-Friend Yourself: Finding Freedom with Food and Peace with Your Body." We live in a society that constantly tells us we need to look a certain way to be worthy, but I’m here to tell you that’s simply not true.

This book is a celebration of accepting and loving ourselves exactly as we are, without waiting to be 'perfect.' We are all perfectly imperfect, and it's our uniqueness that makes us powerful. Whether we’re talking about the size of a book or the size of our bodies, we must learn to embrace and accept ourselves. Our value isn’t measured by dimensions; it's measured by our ability to love, inspire, and make a difference.

"BE-Friend Yourself" is here to remind you that you don’t need to conform to any societal standards to feel good about yourself. You are enough, just as you are. This book is a guide to finding that inner peace and confidence, to help you love your body and yourself without conditions.

So here it is—my book, in all its perfectly imperfect glory. It's small but mighty, just like each of us can be.

If you’re ready to join me on this journey of self-love and body acceptance, PLEASE PRE-ORDER TODAY!!! When you pre-order, I will send you some special exclusive free learning opportunities.


The people around you make all the difference! An invitation in this New Year.


12 Insights I Wish I'd Known Sooner in discovering Food Freedom